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Travel has a great potential to widen the horizon of our knowledge. The more we travel the more we acquire experience is sometimes very educative.

Coming into contact with the people of different regions who are varied in their culture and temperament exposes us to the wild variety of human nature. Living secluded in our own place and thinking that our world is a model world, that our world is the most comfortable, that our world is the ultimate world, lands us in an illusion. We will be a frog in the well if we are not inquisitive enough to know about the outer world. Even visiting relatives and friends living away from us adds to our experience and knowledge apart from its value of exchanging love and renewing our relationship.

Travel is a means of education and experience. Experience is an education. We become more and more experienced as we travel more and more. We should travel more not only within the country but also outside it. The journey of life is made very pleasant by travels.

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