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Admissions to universities in European Union

Admissions and entry to universities in European Union

Admission and entry to university

UK decision to invoke Article 50 of the TEU: More information

As an EU citizen, you are entitled to study at any EU university under the same conditions as nationals. However, conditions of entry vary significantly between individual countries and universities.
Regardless of the other entry conditions, you may not be refused access to training or education in another EU country on grounds of your nationality.
Special rules apply to fees and grants.
Language test
Knowledge of the host country language may be required, so in some EU countries you may be asked to take a language test.

University systems by country

You should find out about the higher education system in the country where you wish to study before you leave home.
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The European Commission is not responsible for the content of the national websites linked from this page.

Sample story

Do your homework on foreign enrolment systems
Battista from Italy wanted to study in Ireland. Because he didn't know about the centralised university application system there (CAO), he missed the deadline for applications and had to wait until the following academic year.
That meant he had an unplanned gap year, instead of going straight to university after finishing school.


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